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Safe Wash

Automatic Soap dispenser equipped with a hand washing guide developed in the context of Co-vid


Design an interactive product as part of a wider ecosystem of products to address the challenges of exposure management within the context of the Co-vid pandemic. 



  • The need for safe hygiene practices within the university environment in the context of exposure management.



An automatic soap dispenser equipped with a handwashing guide. Working in conjunction with a network of infrared sensors the product nudges users to practice appropriate hand washing technique. Thus, keeping users and the larger collective safe by limiting the exposure to the virus.



The Issue + Context

Sudden change and safety measures brings a halt to normal daily life. 


The COVID virus brought drastic change to the way society operated. Critical attention was placed on exposure management to limit the transmission of the virus. This caused major strains and obsoletion on the daily operations of many businesses, schools and health facilities which must now turn to digitized solution. Despite this, physical day to day interactions outside the digital world remain essential. The chosen scope of the project addresses the challenges students face for maintaining safe exposure management practices in their learning environment at university. 

Context Image.png

The Solution 

A reminder and guide for appropriate hand washing practice


Hand hygiene is critical in preventing the spread of COVID virus through the sequence of possible hand contact with contaminated surfaces followed by individual's face. 


Developed as part of a non-contact solution, Safe Wash is an automatic soap dispenser equipped with a hand washing guide. It works in conjunction with an IR tracking system to remind users to practice appropriate hand washing techniques upon their visit to the restroom.


Interactions were designed around the emphasis on hand hygiene to ensure product's relevance of use past the COVID pandemic phase.

Final Render Setting.jpg

How it works

Product Components

Sustainability through use of foam soap and recyclable materials.

Model Making



By mapping the sequence of use of a restroom, the fit for different concepts incorporating nudging interactions can then be explored through iterative sketching and story boarding.

Concept Sketching and Story Boarding 

Flow Charts

Developed to convey understanding of use sequence and logic of interactions. Integral to prototyping with Arduino.

IR Heat Tracking System 

Product - FLOW CHART.png

Product Flow Chart 

IR Heat Tracking System FLOW CHART.png
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